July 23, 2009

So You Tried To Be Honest, But You Honestly Blew It This Time, You Should Have Lied

So I'm leaving for sleep away camp on Sunday. And I'm scared. I'm not scared about being away, hell, maybe I even need it, I'm scared that he won't be here when I get back. He works in such a crummy neighborhood that he could be murdered and nobody would ever notice. And I know that he exaggerates but one day he is going to come across the wrong person and that person isn't going to care that he has a wife and kids at home, he's only going to care about taking his life. And I want to be able to wake up in the morning and know he is still around. I can't lose him, I really can't. I mean I love him, he's my family. And I really would be lost without him.
