May 28, 2009


OMG! Not taking the Intergrated Alegbra Regents was one of my best ideas yet! Instead of falling asleep in front of an evil Chinese teacher, I'm sitting in the air conditioned library, talking to Christine, Elena, and Joe. Could this get any better? I think not. :) So my birthday was on Monday, and it was fun. The family came over, yada yada yada. Six flags is tomorrow!!! Banquet is in a week!!!! Graduation is in 27 days!!! Last day of school is in 29 days!!! So yeah, a lot is coming up this month. I'm actually looking foward now to the end of school, I guess because its so close. I mean come on, THE END OF SCHOOL IS COMING!!! You don't see children running to the other side of the Earth though, do you? I think not!! Its like all the joyous orphaned African children are praising Joyous Queen Gab. You know what she did? Do ya, do ya do ya? She spread the joy!!! LMAO!!!! Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, as you can see I'm kinda hyper/happy/excited. But what can I say? I'm allowed to be happy god damn it. I'm sick and tired of my family coming down on me because I don't believe in God. I mean seriously, I don't think you should have to pray to a person/force/thing whatever you think he is, because you're responsible for you. Not the other way around. You want to be happy, go find happiness. You don't want to be alone, go buy a puppy. Just get off my back for me figuring out what everyone else who doesn't believe already found out. You know what, yeah if my husband wants me to get married in a church and we'll have it in a fucking church. I don't care whether or not my dad wants me to believe! It's my ficking life! Get the fuck over it and leave me the hell out of it. Somebody is getting married, I'll wait outside. Sorry, but according to my dad, I won't be allowed in. Like I give a shit. Seriously! Everyone needs to get off my back and just stay the hell out of my way!!!! Sorry about that, I'm ranting again, I'll stop, right about now. The rain better not come tomorrow! If it does I'm going to be beyond pissed. Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Do you know what I think we should do? Do you know what I think we should do? Seriously, do you!!! I finished, "My Sister's Keeper" yesterday. Made me cry for an hour. I mean seriously after all of the things Anna went through to get medical emancipation from her parents, she gets in a car crash and Kate still gets the organ, and Anna still dies! I wanted to throw the book at the wall and rip it in half. That author deserves to die. I mean come on, she killed Anna!!! Kate wanted to die! Not Anna. Anna was only born to save Kate, and I guess once she did what she had to do, she died. I was yelling at my mom for letting me read such an amazing yet horrible book. She was only 13!!! 13 is not the age to die!!! But whatever, everyone says its just a book. But sometimes it feels like it can happen right then right now. You know? Like tomorrow I can go to the hospital and get diagnosed with Leukmia. But chances are I won't. Sometimes I just want to know what it feels like, you know? Like I want to feel the pain! Ugh I'm such a fucking lunatic. But yeah. This is probably my longest post yet, and I'm still going. Geez. Bless you for continuing reading this far. Cause you know what, I don't know why I'm still going. It seems like forever my fingers have been slamming on these keys writing this disgusting blog. I mean come on, who reads this? I know I wouldn't. I'm starting to lose things to talk about so I'm gonna end here.

May 25, 2009

My Birthday

Okay, so its offically my birthday, unlike Aimez, whose birthday is TOMORROW! I've changed so much in this past year its not even funny. I think I'm going to reflect on my past year.
Postive Things
  1. My music style changed a lot. I'm no longer listening to that Pop crap as much as I used to.
  2. I made new friends, and became closer with them.
  3. Patched things up at my Dad's house. I no longer, hate anyone here.
  4. I finished the Twlight Sega. (Sorry Eclispe is laying next to me, kinda popped into my head)
  5. I pushed my self harder this year.
  6. I'm more sure of myself. More confident, which isn't as big of a change from last 7year to this yeah but yeah its a change.
  7. I know the difference now between fake and real.
  8. I went to sleepaway camp for the first time and met amazing people there.
  9. I get along with my sister. We don't argue like cats and dogs anymore.
  10. And last but not least, I'm just different. I can't even describe it. Thats what I am. Just different.

Negative Things

  1. Although I patched things up at my dad's, things at my mom's aren't in the best of shape.
  2. I've become more aggressive, but I'm working on it.
  3. I can sometimes be so naive that I never know whats coming at me.
  4. I become such a fighter, that I don't know when to give out.
  5. I'm a BIG pottymouth.
  6. I've become attached to my phone, ipod, etc.
  7. I'm more obxious and annoying.
  8. I've broken over nine pairs of headphones.
  9. I spent my summer last year with someone who didn't deserve my time.
  10. And last but not least, I'm just different. Thats me, just different.

Different can be a good and/or a bad quality. And after writing this, I figured out thats its so much easier to point out negative qualities then it is to find positive. More so, I also realized that EVERYONE can be different, and obxious, and annoying, but thats just the world. You can't change it.

