March 13, 2009

I'm Sorry I Can't be Perfect

Why is it that every time I try to explain myself for something that is bothering me, and I am shot down, told to shut up, and crawl into the corner? Most TEENAGERS today are ignored by adults because they are "Just kids" Well, I'm not JUST A KID! I'm a KID with feelings and hate it when fucking adults tell me that I'm not good enough, or that I need to try harder! Did it ever occur to you that maybe I'm happy where I am! Or is that too hard for all your narrow minds to understand! I can't figure this out, and it is seriously starting to bother me.
Also, I have come to the conclusion that I HATE shopping! Everything is cut too small and it needs to stop. You go to Hot Topic and the largest pant size they have is a fucking size 9! Don't designers know that the average American woman is a size 12! Not everybody in this world is fucking anorexic. And its really not fair to the AVERAGE sized people like me. It also sucks when you want a sweat jacket that you'd wear everyday and your parents decide it costs too much! I got 3 things today, two things for $43 dollars, but the jacket was only $50. So instead of getting those two things, why couldn't I get the jacket?
I know that sounds really shallow, but when you're my height and such an awkward size, its hard to find things that fit, like their supposed to. I remember a few years ago going from store to store looking for a fucking jacket. Everyone I tried on was either the waist was too high or the arm lengths were too short. I just want to apologize for hardly ever posting lately. I've been having a lot of family problems that come first in my mind.
Also, Sophie is 1 month old already. Where did the time go!


March 8, 2009

I'm not so sure...

About life anymore. Just when you start to think you know it all and it all makes sense, it's pulled back and you have to start over. Or when you argue with your family, they seem to know everything, but the thing is they don't. They may think they have a clue as to what's going on but they really don't understand. They don't even bother trying to figure it out, because they will call you selfish and completely block every word you say out.
Is trying to avoid an arguement, still arguing? If it is, please tell me because I'm obviously obvilious to it. Also, why is it when you tell people you're just not hungry, they spring up and start questioning you like, you're not hungry, as in you're not going to eat anything? That is something that really bothers me. It is fucking okay if I'm not hungry! I don't need to eat whenever people say they are hungry because its not logical. Sorry about that, family problems.
But anyway, we lost yesterday, and yeah I'm pretty bummed. And on top of that we got an award ONLY because one of our teammates had a heart transplant two weeks ago. I mean I understand that the award is given to a team who overcomes an obstacle but still, the team spirit award would have been better. Or the champion's award. (Still a little bitter about it.) And on top of all that whenever I talk to my parents, they are asking me are you okay, as if I was going to do something drastic. Just fucking drop it already and let me get over it right, right?