February 14, 2009


So, just to clear up my entry from last night. I know that feminism isn't about sex, but I was trying to make a point. So fzap, I'm sorry you misunderstood me.

You know how I've been writing about Global Warming and posting facts? Well, my dad doesn't even believe it! What the hell! Is it that hard to believe that there's a hole in the ozone layer that is allowing more sunlight to enter our atmosphere? I mean come on! My dad just proves my statement that half of the population doesn't see it as a NATIONAL issue. Geez
Have you heard the song August is Over by We the Kings?
I am absolutely in love with it! Definitely my favorite. The lyrics go:

P.S. That's your cue to watch the video. It's the lyrics with music. Oh how I love youtube.
You know what comes next.


Good Times....

My sister and I are making grilled cheese on English muffins. Then we're gonna dip in it tomato sauce and wala. An almost pizza. And while she is trying to cook, she is on the phone with her boyfriend. Hopefully she doesn't get hurt. Well, I'm going to go supervise, even though I'm younger.
"Arctic ice is rapidly disappearing, and the region may have its first completely ice free summer by 2040 or earlier. Polar bears and indigenous cultures are already suffering from the sea-ice loss." NationalGeographic.com.



Another friday night dead and gone. I cannot remember the last time I went out on a friday night. That's sad. I spent maybe two hours holding/feeding/changing my sister, another hour messing around with my ipod and the last few hanging out at my dad's house. What an exciting life I lead.
I read my friend Aimez's blog and she brings up some good points about feminism and guys who are jerks. But I believe that not all guys are jerks, and not all guys wanna be. Most of the guys want to be "cool" and "popular". But if they would just work past that peer pressure and show their true selves MAYBE they would be likable. Sometimes, (this goes mainly to the guys) the opposite sex doesn't see you because you aren't acting realistically. I mean come on, what guy who is under 14 years old really knows what to even do? (Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty sure some do.) But seriously? Guys grow up. Grow some balls and treat women respectfully. Not like a sex slave. And no, I am NOT a feminist. Just a women with strong opinions on life. Feminists in my opinion take things a little bit too far, and to be honest, in my opinion that is wrong. Who really cares if a guy takes a woman's virginity? If the woman was willing then give up! That is an issue that you WILL NOT be able to do anything with!
I'm going to start posting facts at the ends of my entries about global warming. That is a world wide issue that needs to be heard of. If we don't do something soon, we will be facing world wide diasters, such as, typhoons, tsunamis, tornadoes, droughts, rising sea levels, and even massive heat waves. This is an issue that needs a solution today!
According to NationalGeographic.com "the rate of warming is increasing. The 20th century's last two decades were the hottest in 400 years and possibly the warmest for several millennia, according to a number of climate studies. And the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that 11 of the past 12 years are among the dozen warmest since 1850." Please figure out ways to preserve our planet, even the smallest things count.


February 13, 2009

Thank God!

Finally, I can just mellow out and have a good time. Away from home and away from my problems. At least for a little while. I'm getting along with my family here, what a shocker. Is there anyway I can just live here? Well, I just found out interesting news, but I promised to keep it to myself. And god only knows how many people read this blog. Well, Degrassi is on so I'm gonna go. Maybe I'll blog again later.



What to do?

I'm at school. Fun. We have directions to find out things about Valentine's Day. But I'm really not in the mood. I have the
annoying pipsqueaks sitting next to me. One who is obsessed with Ireland, the other, god only knows. They both read that and we're laughing at it. Guess they don't know that I meant it in a bad way. And now, they are acting like idiots making up answers on wikianswers.com Pipsqueak #1 (Ireland obsessor) is asking how to make a question, and pipsqueak #2(God only knows) is trying to stay in the loop. Lucky me has to sit RIGHT in between them. Kill me, please. Well there is only 4 minutes until the bell rings so I'm going to end here. HAHA! #2 just got his credit taken away. Funny.

February 12, 2009

Is there any way.....

Is there anyway I can move in with my mom permanently? Im being serious here. Suddenly the week I don't want to be even close to home my mom wants to spend time with me? I don't think so. If you think I am so easily bought, you're dead wrong. I would rather spend time with a high pitched screaming monkey then the acquaintance I call my mother. So next week I'm going to be spending time with my friends, and my father, (hopefully) but I am not going to
to spend time with my mother. I've had it up to here (points to the ceiling) with these people and I'm done.


February 11, 2009

Kill Me

Today, has officially been named a bad day. It started when I was changing my sister's diaper. My step dad, (I still don't like him) was hovering above my shoulder saying stuff like "You're doing it wrong." I can't stand that. Or when I was holding her, and I would try to readjust her, he would be like, "What are you doing?" or "Be careful." Did I mention how much I hated that? On top of that, yesterday, I was feeling the same way as today. And when people would ask me what was wrong, I naturally try to explain what was bothering me. But either they didn't believe me or they sided with him! Even my own friend agreed with them. Am I really wrong in this situation....Well, this is the end. But before I end this entry, let me tell you how much I


my stepfather:
  • Most of the time, he'll only may attention to my mother.
  • He'll come home from work and turn off whatever I was watching and put on his shows.
  • He makes rules, but doesn't follow them himself, but expects me too.
  • When I question him, he'll say, "Don't question me alright. I'm an adult when you get older and you own (place item or house here) then you can question me."
  • He'll automatically call my mom if I do something not to his liking.
Need I go on? Watch the video at the end. It made me sob.


February 10, 2009


Well, she's here. What a stressful day. I swear I was about to kill my step dad. Well anyway, back to Sofie (or so feet....you had to be there). She was born at 9:59 am and weighed in a 7.5 lb. She was 2o inches long and she liked to suck on her hand.
well here's a picture


Finally, I called my stepdad (still don't like him) and it turns out that my mom IS in labor. And I'm still at home waiting to leave. I feel like a puppy waiting to be let out of its cage. But the C-Section will go on, (so they say). I also found out that my mom is hooked up to an iv. Ew. Well, I thought I'd inform whoever reads this blog what is going on because I don't like leaving people out in the rain.
You know the rest.



This has been the longest hour of my life! It is now 7:08 am and I'm still waiting to be informed whats going on! For all I know my sister could be born and screaming! In case you haven't noticed I'm very impatient. Very, very, very impatient. So as I listen to my land lord arguing upstairs and my ipod playing, I'm sitting here wondering, "Hey is my sister here yet?" And what bugs me even more is how SOME people don't know how to answer a single text message! (Gab that includes you, ha!)
I've also decided to post whatever song in a video that I'm listening to as i finish the blog, so be sure watch it.




Okay, so my mom woke me up at 5:45 this morning and told me she thinks she's in labor. So her and my evil stepfather, (I never liked him) were off to the hospital. I opted to stay home and wait for my aunt to come and pick me up, 'cause I don't want to be waiting at the hospital for 24 hours. So now, I' home alone waiting for somebody to call me and inform me what the hell is going on. And I'll be leaving for the hospital in approximately 55 minutes. Could this be any slower!!!!
By the way, I'll have a picture of her up later on, so be sure to check back. Actually, I'll probably have about I don't know, five, ten fifteen? Guess you'll just have to wait and see. And with the pictures I'll post all of the baby info.


February 9, 2009


Today has been a pretty crappy day if you ask me. My friend moved away. His family just picked up and left. How could they do that! And now, we can't even talk to him because of god knows why! One of his best friends was even crying in school. Damn, we're all having crappy days. I didn't get into the school I wanted (sigh) but I'll do great where ever I go, (so people keep on saying). But the thing is, well there is no thing. But hey, one day I'll be a chemist and that school I didn't get into will be sorry for not accepting me. I really don't know what else to talk about, so I'm going to end this blog here. I'll try to post more tomorrow. By the way watch the video I am posting with this.



So, I have created a blog. To be honest, I don't care who follows me, or who reads this because its how I feel. Also, I'm most likely not going to completely say everything that I'm feeling because, I like to keep my feelings to myself. I most likely will be a frequent poster and I will probably talk about whatever is bothering me. If you don't know me, then don't bothering following this blog. By the way my name is Sarah, but Addo is my tagname. Addo means inspire so don't ask me what it means okay?
