May 25, 2009

My Birthday

Okay, so its offically my birthday, unlike Aimez, whose birthday is TOMORROW! I've changed so much in this past year its not even funny. I think I'm going to reflect on my past year.
Postive Things
  1. My music style changed a lot. I'm no longer listening to that Pop crap as much as I used to.
  2. I made new friends, and became closer with them.
  3. Patched things up at my Dad's house. I no longer, hate anyone here.
  4. I finished the Twlight Sega. (Sorry Eclispe is laying next to me, kinda popped into my head)
  5. I pushed my self harder this year.
  6. I'm more sure of myself. More confident, which isn't as big of a change from last 7year to this yeah but yeah its a change.
  7. I know the difference now between fake and real.
  8. I went to sleepaway camp for the first time and met amazing people there.
  9. I get along with my sister. We don't argue like cats and dogs anymore.
  10. And last but not least, I'm just different. I can't even describe it. Thats what I am. Just different.

Negative Things

  1. Although I patched things up at my dad's, things at my mom's aren't in the best of shape.
  2. I've become more aggressive, but I'm working on it.
  3. I can sometimes be so naive that I never know whats coming at me.
  4. I become such a fighter, that I don't know when to give out.
  5. I'm a BIG pottymouth.
  6. I've become attached to my phone, ipod, etc.
  7. I'm more obxious and annoying.
  8. I've broken over nine pairs of headphones.
  9. I spent my summer last year with someone who didn't deserve my time.
  10. And last but not least, I'm just different. Thats me, just different.

Different can be a good and/or a bad quality. And after writing this, I figured out thats its so much easier to point out negative qualities then it is to find positive. More so, I also realized that EVERYONE can be different, and obxious, and annoying, but thats just the world. You can't change it.

