June 15, 2009

I'm Terrified

Nine years ago, you were able to walk up to your parents and cry about how scared you were about started kindergarten. Then the next day when they would drop you off, you'd hold on to their legs for dear life because you thought no one would like you. If you did the same thing today, people would probably stare and laugh.
We're supposed to be "older" and "mature". But I'm still that little girl who is mortified of the thought of going to a new school, more the less high school. My last day is June 26th, which is in 11 days. As I sit here and type this, I'm seriously wondering where did the past 169 days go! September 2nd, we all started our journey as 8th graders. Actually looking forward to June, the Banquet, 6 Flags, and Graduation. What we didn't expect was the fact that we have to leave our home of three years. In September, you're dragging your feet on that first day. You don't wanna be there. And now that its over, its like, "Fuck! How could I waste so much time!"
Instead of welcoming Paulo that first year, I wanted to run. Run as fast as I could away from the school. I felt so lost in the school, no friends, no clue on where to go. And now I'm like how could I have even wanted that. Its funny what time can do. The time flew by so quickly, I'm like wait, wasn't yesterday November? Weren't we just taking our quarterlies? But hey nothing lasts forever right? Everything has to come to an end, whether we like it or not.

I LOVE YOU 804! CLASS OF 2009!
