November 4, 2009


It just came to me that I haven't written a blog in over three months. And to be honest I don't know why I'm writing one now. I'm not the same person that I was six months ago, wanting to talk about my problems to anyone who would listen. I guess I've finally realized that nobody cares. And I'm not trying to be dramatic! you're best friends say they care but to be honest, they don't give a damn. And your parents are more concerned about how their raising you that they forget that you might actually need help every now and then.
So anyway because I haven't written in a while I guess I'll just write about what I haven't. Camp was a blast and the most miserable time of my life, Sophia is crawling and standing up on her own (she's so big now I just wanna shrink her), my stepdad is the same as always, and I'm in high school now. I'm now a real high school freshman. no more pretending over the summer that we know what its like. It's all new, all un-discovered. A billion doors just waiting to be opened and then slammed again. But hey, that's life. Friends come and go, I cannot even begin to say how many friends I've lost since the beginning of this transition. But we're all still breathing. I guess it is okay to have and then lose it then to never have any at all.
It seems like the world is full of pretenders. Fake people who claim to love something but they don't really mean it. Like wanna be rockers, they think they know everything about it just because they heard it on the radio. There is more to life than you see on the surface. You know what? I'm sick of judge mental people too. All they do is take one look at you and you are classified, labeled and un-wanted. Who are they to say who you are or what you're like? The only people to me that come close to it are people you've known your entire life and even then they don't know you in and out. There is always the monster in the closet. The one that only comes out when you are feeling completely and truly alone. There is always something, somebody. So even if you don't realize it, its there.
Another thing before the bell rings and I once again have to communicate with another batch of people. Guys are so stupid and naive. They think they know everything about you and everything about women, news flash they don't know anything. People don't like to be called "girl" or "boy" just because you don't know their name. Get up walk across the room and find out! And if you female friend is being grouchy, give her a break, she is probably just having a bad day or she is on her period, or she has something bigger on her mind. So before you judge on just one mistake, think about the bigger picture. Think about what else could possibly be bothering her.
