June 8, 2009

About to Lose My Mind

Just fucking go away right now. Do not read this post. It is only going to be about me ranting about my pathetic problems so why care right? Nobody gives a damn whether I live or die.So why even bother right? I'm just one life wasted, nothing new there right? I just wish somebody fucking understood what I'm trying to say. I need help. Sorry I wasn't around to help two days ago, but seriously, I'm asking you to help me because I'm about to pass out and I have to lug shit up the stairs. I mean come on. I know I sound like a conceited lazy ass bitch, and you're probably right. But when I'm making 15 flights up and down the stairs and you're sitting on the computer, that doesn't sound quite right to me. Sorry.
Oh yeah and another thing, when I fucking walk away from you, do me a favor, don't fucking follow me from room to room because I don't want to be near you. I have taken in enough shit, from people pretending to be my friend, to people backstabbing me, to people telling me "I'm over dramatic. Just do me a favor go fuck yourselves. I've had enough of your bullshit. If you don't like me tell me straight out. Don't pretend to be my friend for months and then one day just completely turn on me. Honestly, I'd rather have that instead of being lied to for I don't know, nine months. I mean seriously. Grow up.
Another thing, I hate it when people think they can use me. Take it like this, I'm not your fucking dog, do it yourself, 'kay? And isn't it funny how right after I give somebody a gift, they turn on me. I mean seriously. There's a fine line between friendship and using someone. And sorry, I couldn't be your friend because I am myself. Sorry, but in all honesty, all of those people who have or continue to do that me, seriously have problems. I'm not going to change for somebody who can't accept me for me. Trust me that will NEVER happen. Kay?
