June 2, 2009

He'd Never Tell You, But He Can Play Guitar

Hello, hiya, hi, hey, hola, ciao, buon giorno, buona notte, how many different ways can you say hello! Seriously, its like I say "Hi" you say "Hey." It gets really, really, really annoying after awhile. I really don't want to sit in a classroom and learn about how volcanoes are formed, or how to pick a fucking mushroom! Thank you Mr. Perrone. I didn't know that you can die from a common cold. Thanks for being so stupid and wasting 120 minutes of my life every fucking week! You think I care! You think the whole class cares! News flash, they don't.
Sorry about that! Mr. Perrone is just so fucking stupid. :) So yeah, the Sims 3 came out today, and after I get out of this hell hole called school I'm off to the mall to buy it! And if they don't have it I'm going to be one pissed off cookie, k? How many times in my life is somebody going to say okay? From the second I'm born to the second I am dead, how many times have the word okay come out of somebody's mouth.
1. Number cube
2. Spinner
3. Standard deck of cards; 52 cards. 4 suits, club, diamond, heart, spade; 13 cards of each suit 4 cards of each 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10; Picture card: Jack, Queen, King
4. Probability: P=number of events/total possible outcomes
5. Probability of certainity:1 Probability of impossibility: 0
That would be a standard amount of rules for math, pretty simple right? Right? I have no clue why I even did that, probably out of pure boredom. But whatever.
So I'm getting pretty sick and tired of people. I actually want to be dropped off a boat into the Pacific and have to swim to an island. And there I will meet a tribe of people and will kill them all. How nice! But I'll leave the newborn infant alive. And I'll care for it. And I'll be the perfect mommy. Not. Not in 100, 1000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000, years. But maybe in 1000000001 years. LMAO!
Today is June 2nd, 2009. On June 3rd, 2009 we have Senior Awards. On June 4th, 2009 we have banquet. On June 24th, 2009 we have Graduation. On June 26th, 2009, we are offically High School Freshman. You see I got bored after the state test today, so I wrote a graduation speech. I'm not even talking at graduation. How stupid am I?